Monday, November 5, 2012

I approve this message

I can't wait until tomorrow. Why? Because tomorrow will be the day that the political attack ads will finally stop. I understand the need for a candidate to get their name out but not every 5 minutes. These drive me crazy and we don't even have a cable subscription. The ads I hear on the radio and what I see on Hulu and YouTube are more than enough. I feel sorry for those of you that watch network TV.

Over the weekend I discovered that YouTube created a PS3 app. I thought, "Great, I can now watch cats doing cute things and guys almost killing themselves from the comfort of my couch." So I fire up the app and I check out the trending videos and I play one. I see the dreaded "Your video will pay in 16s" message pop up and I don't think much of it. I watch a political commercial about a guy from Hungry who had a dream about coming to America, no big deal I watch my video and I'm on to the next. I start the next one and guess who I see? The same guy. I watch a few more and there he is to greet me at every video. I understand that companies like YouTube make money from advertising but come on, diversify your ads a little. I must have seen this ad 10 times in a row.

Anyway, the election is tomorrow and I won't have to look at or hear these ads for another 4 years. Don't forget to vote. Check out for polling information.

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